12 / SBI4U

Biology Grade 12 (University)

Sale price$599.00
Prerequisite: SBI3U

Must be completed to enrol

Student Location: Canada

Mr. Malek B.A., B.Ed., OCT
Department Head Science

No Exams!

Quick Turnaround on Assessments!

12 / SBI4U

Unravel the Secrets of Life: Grade 12 Biology Explores the Wonders Within and Beyond!

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Grade 12 Biology, where the mysteries of biological systems come to life in intricate detail. From the complexities within your own body to the vast expanses of the natural world, this course provides a deep exploration into theoretical frameworks and hands-on investigations across diverse biological fields. Uncover the secrets of cellular processes, ecological dynamics, and genetic marvels, gaining profound insights into the captivating tapestry of life sciences that shape our understanding of existence.

What you'll learn in this course


In this unit, students delve into the fundamental principles of biochemistry, exploring the building blocks of life at the molecular level. Topics include the structure and function of biomolecules, metabolic pathways, and the dynamic interactions that govern cellular processes, providing a foundation for understanding the complexities of living organisms.

Metabolic Processes

Unit 2 focuses on the intricacies of metabolic processes within living organisms. Students explore the pathways that convert and utilize energy, examining the essential role of enzymes, cellular respiration, and photosynthesis. The unit delves into the dynamic interplay between various metabolic pathways that sustain life.

Molecular Genetics

At the mid-semester point, students transition to the realm of molecular genetics. This unit explores the genetic code, DNA replication, transcription, and translation processes. Students unravel the mechanisms underlying inheritance, genetic variation, and the molecular basis of traits, contributing to a deeper understanding of the genetic foundations of life.


Unit 4 delves into the concept of homeostasis, examining the mechanisms organisms employ to maintain internal balance and stability. Students explore regulatory systems such as feedback loops, hormonal control, and physiological processes that contribute to the overall equilibrium within living organisms.

Population Dynamics

The final unit expands the focus to the broader ecological scale, exploring population dynamics within ecosystems. Students investigate factors influencing population growth, distribution, and interactions. The unit examines ecological relationships, biodiversity, and the dynamic processes that shape the composition and functioning of biological communities.

About Biology Grade 12 (University)

Why our courses are different?

Ontario Teachers

All of our courses have been designed by Ontario Certified teachers. All of our classes are taught by Ontario certified teachers. All of the credits will be handed out by Ontario certified teachers.

No Exams

At OEO we understand that exams can be stressful. Being in an asynchronous environment we feel students are much better at showing their knowledge through a final class project.

Finish in as early as 4 weeks

Do you need a credit right away? Whatever your situation is, OEO is likely the right place for you to earn a credit. You can also take up to 12 months to complete a credit.

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